My 5 Healthy Habits for 2023

Alyssa Blackwell
7 min readJan 17, 2023

New year, new me, right?

I already talked about how I set goals for the New Year (spoiler alert: I don’t set yearly goals, I set quarterly ones), but I wanted to dive deeper into my fitness goals. Fitness is almost inextricably tied to the New Year, as it comes right after a bunch of indulgent U.S. holidays and people get it in their heads that they need to lose the winter weight.

Photo by Daniel Storek on Unsplash

There’s a flaw to this kind of thinking, though, that people are slowly waking up to.

Your body weight (or heart health, or skin care) isn’t the product of one thing that you do, or one commitment. It’s an average of all the lifestyle choices you make. Every day, you make constant — often mindless — choices about when to move, what to eat, how much to rest, and so on. All of these little things are calculated constantly to change your body composition in tiny ways.

We’re talking about individual fat cells, individual heart beats, individual droplets of water being stored or released in your body. Tiny things that are added up over time to decide what your body looks like, how it feels, and what it is capable of.

With this in mind, as I set goals throughout the year, not just in January, and I try to think of ways I can encourage these small habits to continue for weeks or months at a time. It’s important that I am…



Alyssa Blackwell

A software dev / creative ✨ writing about game dev, mobile apps, productivity, and self-improvement ☕